Sunday, 21 July 2024

A small place

 Deep saffron hued-beauty appears suddenly in the sky.

As my eyes look at the Moon,

a gentle breeze envelops me.

Quiet. So quiet all around me.

A dim hum of the cars roaring in the city I see,

in front of me.

The dazzling lights are so far,

yet in my sight.

I see the quietness of the hills nearby and the mountains afar.

And the dazzling city lights in my sight. 

No love for big cities anymore,

I love the smallness of a place.

The hills and the sea,

the quietness where I hear a kid cry,

or the cars roar from afar.

No love for Mumbai or London anymore.

Don't take me to Amsterdam anymore.

Give me the smallness of a place.

Belfast, you changed me!

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