Saturday, 22 February 2025

Your soft hands

Your hands were so soft, 
Like a cloud of cotton. 
I could feel the love and warmth in their softness. 
It was a reflection of your tender heart. 
Your name, literally means, the art of love. 
And love you did. 
You loved your bloodline, 
Your husband and your child. 
You loved your brothers,
Your mother and it wasn't mild. 
You remembered birthdays and anniversaries. 
Roses and dogs. 
Loved the nature and outdoors, 
Loved your long walks. 
Your beautiful athletic body,
Stayed perfect through the end. 
And then there were your lovely black hair, 
That no one could ignore. 
You remained your beautiful, athletic self, 
Right till the end. 
It's the heart and the brain that gave way, 
To help you meet your end. 
Love you forever, love your long hair. 
I have inherited your looks,
And I will cherish it with care. 

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