Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Under the Italian Sun

Living a dream,
Hopping onto the plane to a wonderful place.
Dhanashree, you are going to a magical land,
It’s time to make memories,
Time to eat and lose the mental flab.
Pizzas and Pasta, Collosums and Towers await you
Spread your wings,
Embrace the change
You asked the heavens and destiny lent a hand
Grow, learn and run wild and free.
Buon Viaggio!
To greener pastures, a new sky
Unexplored roads.
New sunshine to lit your face
Dhanashree, you are onto a unique journey

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Journey of happiness

Deep down it will hurt,
When I will look back at my life.
Because it is my own ambitious mind
That speaks to me.
It is my own illusional greatness that questions my existence.
You are a mere catalyst, dear love.
For it is I who seeks my own fame.

It is I who is repulsed by mediocrity yet
thrives in it.
I am my own critic.
That's the thing with disillusioned, ambitious people.
I don't know what I seek.
But I am sure to arrive one day.

Spending countless hours reading the inner workings of their minds.
Sorting, analysing every word,
every action.
Always wondering, what is it the mind speaks that words don't let out.
Sorry are the souls who seek happiness
In arriving not knowing the route to embark upon.
I'll be picking up my small pieces of big ambition now.
Promising to start my journey.
Destination will find itself,
All roads come to their end.
Along the way, I shall seek happiness.
Thriving in the journey, not awaiting my place.
As one day when my being is kissed by ashes, my soul will smile with serenity.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

महीने के वह दिन...

सैलाब एक उमड़ आता है दर्द का,

नैनों से मोती बरसते रहे

वह ना समझ पाए मेरी इस टिस को,

ना मैं उन्हें कुछ कह पाउ।

बस एक कोना देदो अपने दिल में,

सिमट  के  रहने  दो मुझे उधर।

बुलंद है आज भी यह आवाज़,

कुछ दिन चुप रहने दो मुझे। 

महीने के वह दिन,

आँसू बहने दो मेरे।