Monday, 21 December 2020

Waiting for the Light

Waiting for the days to get longer,
As I walk by them, I can only smile
with my eyes.
Sinister as is this time 
No festive spirit can kindle my heart warm,
I miss the embrace
The good old wine.
Waiting for the days to get brighter,
Hoping for some sunshine in my world.
A shot of life is what I'm waiting for.
Shot to my freedom from this cage.
Waiting for the warm Sun
 and hugs from her, my gentle soul
My guardian angel miles away from here.
Hope the Sun shines on her, makes her spirit smile.
It's been a long time since I've smiled,
It's getting dark and cold.
The fireplace has no fuel to kindle my spirit up.
Waiting for the Light to enter this world.

Monday, 30 November 2020

Covid 19 - a precious year in the life of a child lost

Covid 19 pandemic is the cause of not only health but also a lost childhood. A child' growing years are considered the most significant in his mental development. They determine whether he will be inherently happy or sad throughout his life. 

Friday, 1 May 2020

लंबा इंतजार

कुछ लोग मौत से डरते है,
कुछ इसकी दुआ करते हैं।
कैसे कटेगी इतनी लंबी रात,
सूरज ढलने के बाद।
हर वक़्त तेरे इंतेज़ार में,
मैं चौकन्नी खड़ी हु।
जब आये तू दरवाजे पे,
मैं तैयार बैठी हु।
वक़्त की हरियाली में,
भूल गयी अपने बचपन के अंधेरे को।
भूल गयी थी मैं,
कि अंधेरे के साए में पली हु में।
बंद कमरे में क़ैद,
चीख़ने चिल्लाने से
अंधेरा दूर नही होता।
हमेशा अकेलेपन से दूर भागी हु मैं,
पर उसने मेरा साथ ना छोड़ा।
हर मोड़ पर, कब कहाँ दिख जाए
कब फिर से मेरा हाथ पकड़ले।
कभी कभी लगता है,
सदियां बीत गयी।
और कभी लगता है,
अभी तो ज़िन्दगी शुरू हुई थी।
ज्यादा हँसी से हमेशा से डरी हु,
कहीं छोड़ के ना चलि जाए।
खुली आँखों से सपने देखे
कि बंद आंखों से नमी ना निकल पाए।
अब तक जो तेरा साथ था,
बस उसका शुक्रिया।
दिन हो या रात,
बस आपका शुक्रिया।

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Too precious to me

These moments are too precious to me.
Each moment I spend with you
Is magic to me.
The places and people,
Your laughter and thrill
Is infectious to me.
I cry lest these moments are gone,
Forever trapped in my memories.
This life with you is
Too precious to me.

Like pearls in a necklace,
Each moment and laughter
Is dear to me.
It holds my life,
My being together.
This is what
binds you and me.

Each year,
I look forward to.
I know it brings in
new experiences for me.
Our love today is deep,
Deep like the oceans we see.
The emotions run
Deep within me.

These moments,
This life with you is
Too precious to me.